This 2024 was undoubtedly a year of great surprises for cinema, from commercial to independent cinema has shown great potential and high competitiveness in audiovisual production.
New records have been set in ticket sales, and many of these productions have been critically acclaimed. Superhero movies were noticed on other types of genres, impacting the general public, either by the quality of the film or by the enjoyment of it.
Marvel Studios positioned itself as the number one in the film industry with the release of Endgame, not only for being the most successful film in recent months but also positioned itself as the most successful film of all time, displacing Avatar after its second re-release with some unpublished scenes.
Avengers: Endgame

Since the end of its predecessor, “Infinity War” predicted that this would be one of the biggest box office films since its release. Marvel Studios over the years has been dedicated to producing high-quality films, and without a doubt, Endgame was no exception.
Not only did it become one of the blockbusters of 2024 by raising approximately $858,373 billion in the United States and $2,797,800,564 billion worldwide with two world premieres, which led it to surpass one of the blockbusters in contemporary history such as Avatar, but it also marked the end of an era in Marvel’s film universe.
The Lion King

The remake of one of the most recognized films, one of Disney’s classics dating back to 1994, an expected movie that promised to become one of the most important phenomena of this 2024.
Just two weeks after its world premiere, this live-action exceeded millions of dollars in worldwide takings, and in the United States, it raised at least $400 million. Today it has raised approximately 1,656,309,419 overall and exceeded $500 billion in the United States.
Undoubtedly an unforgettable version directed by Jon Favreau in which it is possible to relive the story of Simba once again through the fantastic images captured and the use of a hyper-realistic CGI that allows its observers to enter a little bit into what life is like in the African savannah.
Spiderman: Far From Home

Without a doubt, Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures triumphed at the box office and after the end of an era provided by Endgame, came a new adventure of one of Marvel’s favorite superheroes, Spiderman with the production of his second film in which Peter Parker faces unique problems, this time from Europe.
This film has managed to raise approximately 1,131,927,996 million dollars worldwide, which makes it the third place in this year’s top box office films.
Captain Marvel

It is not possible to make a top of box-office movies without mentioning Capitana Marvel, one of the most controversial films of this year. Perhaps only known to the avid comic fans of the Marvel universe, but without a doubt, it managed to penetrate the hearts of the rest of the fans.
This film has raised approximately $1,128,274,794 million since its world premiere. A film that not only tells the story of one of the first superheroines of this famous universe but was also a special introduction to the role it would play in Avengers: Endgame.
Toy Story 4

Toy Story has been a part of the life of several generations since the release of his first film, and this year returned with his fourth installment which has been a hit at the box office. A film that brought a new adventure for the famous talking dolls Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and their companions with the introduction of a new character, Forky, which since its premiere raised approximately 1,073,392,125.

One of the biggest surprises of the year, a film that tells the story of the origins of one of the most famous villains in the world of DC Comics, the ultimate enemy of one of the most recognized heroes in history, Batman.
A film that, despite following in many aspects the history of comics, makes a tribute to one of the most recognized directors, Martin Scorsese, making references to notable films such as ‘The King of Comedy’ and ‘Taxi Driver.’
One of the most critically acclaimed films that have managed to raise since its premiere 1,048,923,625 million dollars and is still playing in various cinemas around the world.
Many films have surprised this year. You are certainly letting great memories in the many people, to the point where they are still given to talk. If you haven’t seen any of these, it’s time to catch up; in 123movies, you’ll find many of these titles and more in high resolution.
With the award season approaching, it is essential to be up to date with all of this year’s favorite movies. And why not? Relive once again these memorable stories of cinema in 2024.