Have you wondered how many pool owners there are in America? The APSP (Association of Pool & Spa Professionals) records about 10.7 million pool owners. Over 10 million own residential pools, and about 300,000 business owners cater to industrial swimming pools.
That is a lot of swimming pools scattered in the entire country. No wonder that pool service repairs and pool maintenance are one of the booming businesses among Americans.
That is for the US alone. If you are in other parts of the world, it is more likely that the pool business and pool contractors are making a lot. Just see the “Primitive pool builders” on social media. This type of niche got many viewers.
Watching pools being built and splashing in them are both satisfying.
What else is there to figure out about swimming pools? You’ll get them in today’s top 10 list of facts, stats, and other swimming pool trivia. Read ‘till the end. The last item is worth knowing.

Popularity complex
It is no wonder why swimming pools frequent US homes. Swimming is the fourth most popular sport Americans love.
According to Luxury Pools Magazine, Americans love to swim as it is a good form of exercise. Swimming uses more muscles in the body than walking or biking. This also makes swimming one of the best cardiovascular workouts.
Hotlist for Hot Tubs
Next is a list of the top five States avid for hot tubs.
- #1-California
- #2-Texas
- #3-Florida
- #4-Illinois
- #5- New York
Do you agree with this list?
The first thing that you may think when you hear hot tubs are luxury, five-star hotel-type pools. While it is true, a hot bath or jacuzzi is built with pools for health-related reasons.
Warm water in the pool or flowing fountain is a form of hydrotherapy. Warm water is found to help ease muscle pain for those who got rheumatoid. And, flowing water feels calming to the brain.
It would be no wonder why even those mentioned in the list above love the hot tubs even if they got warm weather.

Stat shows how many kids swim in the US.
According to the statistics, 36 % of children who love swimming are aged 7 to 17. They make up the most significant pool-goers populace.
Time spent in swimming pools annually.
Adults in the US have a record of going to the swimming pools at least six times every year. At the same time, over 90 million people 16 years old and above prefer to go swimming in lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Above-Ground Pools Facts In-Ground Pool Facts
Above-ground pools are popular among regions with high heat because of summer. Many love the above-ground pools due to their portability. Yes! You have an option to build pools over a movable base like a wheeled truck or attached behind an RV.
Based on the stats provided by Pooldeks.com are much preferred by their clients.
In-ground pool owners include the Sunshine Cities like Orlando. California and Florida top the list, and the Bay area is the one that follows. New York is a semi-humid State included in this list of most owners with in-ground swimming pools.
Spa Stats
The US spa and swimming pool business amounts to over 90 billion dollars! Wow! And do you know that by 2024 spa services has a market forecast that it will reach beyond 120 billion dollars by 2024?

Solar Pool to Save Energy
Since many pool owners own a jacuzzi by the pool and hot tubs, this may cost a lot of energy. But did you know that you can save energy using the suns’ heat to heat the pool? That is through solar energy.
You can see homes with solar panels. You can have this too in your properties. You can use renewable energy resources for your leisure area to cut costs to your expenses.
Safety in Pools
According to Flōridian, the following trivia will introduce you to pool safety facts. Start with the pool water. It is not a mystery that swimming pools got chlorine in them. It is a necessary cleaner to filter the water and kill bacteria. But what should interest you is that the pool water must maintain a proper chlorine level of pH 7.5 at 77F/25 C. Now you know.
How fast can chlorine kill bacteria?
With item no. 7, have you ever asked how effective chlorine is? Chlorine can kill bacteria in the water in just one minute.
Why is it that some opt not to put it in their pools? Before you decide, it is still essential that you place a filtering agent to where you swim. Some owners oxidize their pool water, most of who are residential pools.

Bacteria on the Loose
The next item does not intend to scare you. But take this fact as a warning. A bacteria called crypto beats the amount of chlorine in the pools. These may still exist after some time you add chrome to clean the pool.
How should you do now? Important tip, always make sure that you have regular pool maintenance and cleaning. The truth is you need to clean not only the pool water but as well the linings and deckings around it.
Swim Sick
Hope that this last item has not happened to you. Have you swum while being sick? Swimming sick is highly not permitted. If you got diarrhea or flu, you wouldn’t have the straight to spend fun times in the pools, of course. But who knows? So, be aware that a sick person can contaminate pools and makes sickness spread to others. So avoid this at all costs!
Dare to Dive In?
Those are the top 10 facts and trivia worth knowing about your pools! Now you will not just swim by the waters, but as you take a dip into the pool, consider these things you can ponder about. Hope that these facts brought you fun and new knowledge. Be sure that you always seek safety first as you go merry with swimming!