Sentiments about the violent conflict on the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine spilled onto the streets of San Francisco late Friday afternoon in a spirited but peaceful protest in front of the Israeli consulate.
Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israel demonstrators chanted and waved banners at one another from opposite sides of Montgomery Street in the Financial District during the afternoon commute hour as part of Bay Area reaction to the conflict in Gaza.
Early Saturday morning, Israeli military forces continued to target Hamas compounds, leveling a four-story government building in a continuing air offensive against Palestinian terrorists after an unprecedented rocket attack on the holy city of Jerusalem.
The protest in San Francisco was organized by several pro-Palestinian groups in response to the conflict but they were quickly joined by pro-Israeli groups who formed behind police barricades on the opposite side of the street.
Police said no arrests were made and the protest — which turned heated at times — was largely peaceful.
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Protesters gathered by the hundreds in front of the Consulate General of Israel in San Francisco on Friday evening in protest of the conflict in Gaza. Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT
- Andrew Leonard / CALIFORNIA BEAT