In what is fast becoming a biennial tradition, the Bay Area’s cash-starved local governments went to voters hat in hand, and for the most part, came away with what they asked for.
Of 48 tax or bond measures on the ballot in the six core Bay Area counties, 36 passed, including 13 measures requiring a two-thirds supermajority — though Alameda County voters appeared to be more skeptical than their regional counterparts.
Occupy protesters who have taken over a vacant plot of land in Albany owned by the University of California have been given a 10 a.m. Saturday deadline to disband their encampment and leave the property, university officials said Friday.
In exchange, the university said it would drop criminal prosecution it had been seeking against some of the protesters and set aside part of the land for urban agriculture.
A UC Berkeley student fell to his death from a high-rise dormitory Tuesday night in an apparent suicide, friends and fellow Cal students said.
The student jumped from a sixth floor balcony of Towle Hall, a high-rise building that is part of the Unit 2 student housing complex at the university, UC Police said.
A UCPD officer shot and killed a Cal student who brandished a gun at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business Tuesday afternoon in the first campus shooting in decades, police said.
Witnesses reported that police entered a computer lab at the business school at 2:19 p.m. and shot an unidentified man who was carrying a gun. The suspect was wounded and was taken to Highland Hospital in Oakland.
UC Police officials said Wednesday morning that the man had died from the injury. No one else was hurt in the incident.
Dozens of riot-gear clad police officers prevented an Occupy Wall Street campsite from forming in front of the UC Berkeley administration building Wednesday during a day-long series of protests by students who said they were fighting double-digit tuition increases in the University of California system.
UC Police and sheriff’s deputies from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office arrested 39 Occupy Cal protesters, seven from an afternoon raid of the campsite, and 31 more during a contentious nighttime skirmish between an estimated crowd of more than 1,000 protesters.
Police in Berkeley arrested three people for shooting a 22 year-old man three times with a BB gun near People’s Park Sunday afternoon.
The victim, a white male who was not a UC Berkeley student, was standing at the corner of Haste St. and Telegraph Avenue at around 2 p.m. when he was approached by three men who yelled a racial slur at him, University of California Police reported.
UC Berkeley Police have arrested a campus physician who provided health services to students for over 20 years for allegedly sexually molesting patients while they underwent medical examinations.
Robert Martin Kevess, 52, of Oakland, pleaded not guilty to six counts of sexually assaulting male patients beginning in 2006 at the University Health Service’s Tang Center during an afternoon arraignment in Alameda County Superior Court Thursday.
A female UC Berkeley student was robbed and was forced to perform a sex act on her perpetrator in one of two sexual assaults that occurred within hours of each other on the university campus early overnight, police said.
UC Police said the student was walking through Haviland Grove on the northside of the Cal campus at 12:30 a.m. Friday when a man approached her, demanded her personal items and sexually assaulted her.
In what is becoming an annual ritual at UC Berkeley, protesters locked arms and precariously planted themselves on a fourth floor ledge of the school’s Wheeler Hall protesting against cuts to public education and increases to college tuition.
The protest ended peacefully and without any injuries late Thursday evening after university officials and the group agreed to end the occupation of the building after more than 6 hours on the roof.